Kumarninthi Cultural Tours

The word "Kumarninthi" is from the Kaurna language group, meaning "Becoming One".

Founded by Tjimari Sanderson-Milera, an Aboriginal man from the language groups Kokatha (West Coast), Narungga (Yorke Peninsula), Kaurna (Adelaide Plains) which are coastal communities in South Australia and Adnyamathanha (Flinders Ranges) where he has spent a lot of time growing up and being on Country with family.

Growing up, Tjimari has always been involved in his culture through family, dance and art. He is very connected to his culture and continues to connect to his culture, Country and Elders.

Over years of working varied jobs through corporate organisations, living in other states around Australia and experiencing the world, it became clear to Tjimari how broken and disconnected this country is. The unfortunate divide in society, experienced by many, can be changed for future generations, starting with the kids of today and by sharing his culture with as many people as he can reach, through the experiences and programs offered through his cultural learning business, Kumarnithi.

By creating awareness, new learnings, shifting perceptions, sharing Aboriginal culture and rich history, Tjimari is working toward a better future for all.

YOUR EXPERIENCE PROVIDER Kumarninthi Cultural Tours

The word ""Kumarninthi"" is from the Kaurna language group, meaning ""Becoming One"".

Founded by Tjimari Sanderson-Milera, an Aboriginal man from the language groups Kokatha (West Coast), Narungga (Yorke Peninsula), Kaurna (Adelaide Plains) which are coastal communities in South Australia and Adnyamathanha (Flinders Ranges) where he has spent a lot of time growing up and being on Country with family.

Growing up, Tjimari has always been involved in his culture through family, dance and art. He is very connected to his culture and continues to connect to his culture, Country and Elders.

Over years of working varied jobs through corporate organisations, living in other states around Australia and experiencing the world, it became clear to Tjimari how broken and disconnected this country is. The unfortunate divide in society, experienced by many, can be changed for future generations, starting with the kids of today and by sharing his culture with as many people as he can reach, through the experiences and programs offered through his cultural learning business, Kumarnithi.

By creating awareness, new learnings, shifting perceptions, sharing Aboriginal culture and rich history, Tjimari is working toward a better future for all.